Tucker Carlson’s career has evolved from being a print journalist in the 1990s to a primetime host today. He also became CNN’s commentator from 2000 to 2005 and a co-host for the debate program Crossfire. Since 2016, he has been giving political analysis for Fox News on Tucker Carlson Tonight and has appeared on various shows to share his views on many issues. The political analyst has also written two books, in 2003 and 2018.

He has had many houses in the past, and he is not one to hold on to them long. One example was a house he sold in Kent for $4 million back in 2011. The Fox news stalwart is yet again selling his house, this time in DC, and is asking $3.95 million for it. This luxurious home was acquired in 2017 for pretty much the same amount. Considering the house is in DC, it must also have a steep home insurance premium, but Carlson and the prospective buyer could surely afford it.
