Ashley Judd is an American actress and political activist. Being the daughter of country music singer Naomi Judd, she came from a reputable family of successful performing artists. The actress played leading roles in movies such as Ruby In Paradise, Norma Jean & Marilyn, A Time to Kill, Kiss the Girls, and Double Jeopardy. Film critics gave credit to her acting talent for her increasing popularity— and she really was going places!

What was sad, however, was that Ashley’s career was another collateral damage to Harvey Weinstein’s infamous misconduct. She was an aspiring star who had won several accolades for her acting back in the ’90s before Weinstein ruined her reputation. Judd allegedly declined Weinstein’s advancements, which urged him to take revenge by blacklisting her from any significant project. Ever since her star’s dimming, Ashley has been active and has become involved in global humanitarian efforts and political activism. If anything, we admire her courage for standing up to her principles and ultimately getting back on her feet.
