The 66-year-old Ron Howard is a critically-acclaimed director, actor, and screenwriter. He began collecting massive wealth when he started young in Hollywood. Ron started his illustrious career as a child actor in many television series, including one The Twilight Zone episode. From 1953 up to 1973, he was credited as Ronny Howard in movie and TV appearances.

Ron made an immense fortune from several projects; some of the works that generated wealth for him were his $10 million salaries each from directing Dilemma and A Beautiful Mind. He also has a country estate in Westchester Country in New York that has a whopping value of $27.5 million. Howard wouldn’t want to hire a money manager or a financial advisor because he claimed in a CNBC’s interview that it was his greatest mistake. He firmly said that his wife and himself invest their money, and it seems that they are very good at doing it.
