This critically-acclaimed film depicted one of the darkest moments in U.S. history—the American Civil War. Due to the number of accolades it has received, for both the acting and the overall design of the movie, it isn’t without flaws that observant viewers would have noticed early on. In the midst of all the action, you’ll notice a soldier right in the foreground—his arm raised in the air. Nothing wrong with that until you notice the digital watch on his wrist! The degree of influence this particular mistake has on that scene is very minor and only a few people managed to spot it.

Careful research is needed so that factual errors are kept to a minimum. In this case, during the Fort Wagner assault, the regiment was seen attacking from the wrong side. The correct one was attacking from the south. The moment’s seriousness, in addition, is taken away every time the bayonet quivers—revealing that they are made of plastic.
