Choreographing the fight scenes for this period film must have been quite the feat to accomplish, but there’s no denying— it was well worth it. Gladiator is one of the most visual films out there; everything so visceral and realistic that it places viewers in the “sandals” of our main characters. That’s before it pulls you out of the fantasy, once you spot Russel Crowe’s exposed Lycra shorts in one of the scenes. Rome made many things fashionable—but we’re certain these fearsome warriors wouldn’t go around wearing these. We have to give Russel credit for making it look good, though.

Another dress-related mistake was during the time Maximus threw the sword into the crowd. As the camera pans, a cameraman wearing a shirt and jeans is seen standing next to his camera. Many of the movie’s errors are related to visible crew or clothing not appropriate for the era—which to some extent is understandable.
