The story of one adorable genie and her mortal husband is one that has fascinated audiences and made fans laugh during the 1960s. The show made use of practical effects to portray “magic”, but it doesn’t always work out as planned. There’s that one episode where Jeannie had scenes with her evil twin—which meant that Barbara Eden had to appear onscreen for both characters, simultaneously. The team did use a stand-in, but in one scene, the magic is revealed when the double’s face appears in full view. It just goes to show the degree of improvement that special effects have gone through within the last few decades!

There was one error that could really not be ignored—the ocean behind Tony was actually a printed backdrop. The waves were not moving at all. With today’s technology, that could already be edited—but factual errors are more difficult to correct. At the end of the episode, when Major Nelson leaves his beach, a mountain could be seen. There are no mountains in that area.
