It can be considered one of the most ambitious film projects ever; the film had a huge budget to work with, one of the greatest film directors at the helm, a stellar cast of actors, and a team of experts making sure that everything is perfect. But even professionals can experience lapses—in this case, it’s a switch-up when it comes to Rose Dawson’s beauty mark. First, it was on the left, but somehow it got moved to the right after some time. Looks like money management isn’t the only thing they had to worry about; someone should have kept an eye on Rose’s mole, too.

Could it be that Jack was a time traveler? One mistake we noticed in the movie was he talked about fishing in a lake near Chippewa Falls—but that artificial lake was not constructed until 1918. This would take considerable effort, but if the frames were slowed down, the stunt wires used when the ship was sinking could be seen in some of the shots.
